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These articles are the result of the cooperation between the Institute for Planetary Synthesis and Dr. E. Krishnamacharya. In 1981, we asked Dr. Krishnamacharya to give a seminar on the Yoga of Patanjali at the IPS headquarters in Geneva. The text of that seminar was recorded, typed and edited in the form of a book ("Lessons on the Yoga of Patanjali").

The next years, he gave seminars on the Symbolism of the Vedic Scriptures, starting with the Purusha Sukta, a Vedic hymn which describes the creation of the Universe from the Cosmic Person. These seminars were also recorded, typed and published in the form of a serial enclosed with the IPS newsletter. After Dr. Krishnamacharya passed away, the IPS continued to cooperate with teachers trained by him, including his son, Dr. E. Anantakrishna, from whose seminars part of the articles on New Era Healing are taken, and Mr. M.R.L. Rao, whose seminars form the basis of the articles on Spiritual Astrology.

The articles on the Vishnu Purana were published for the first time in "My Light", the magazine of the World Teacher Trust in India. Dr. Krishnamacharya authorised the IPS to reproduce these articles and helped edit them for the Western mentality.

All these articles are in PDF format, which can be opened by the program Acrobat Reader, available free of charge from Adobe

New Era Healing, Ayurveda (English)
Popular 2966
Purusha Sukta
Popular 3273
Purusha Sukta - audio recording
Popular 2547
Purusha Sukta - transliteration of Sanskrit text
Popular 2580
Spiritual Astrology
Popular 2972
Vishnu Purana, Puranas and their contribution (English)
Popular 3987

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