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Victoria Goodwill Unit of Service is a meditation group working in cooperation with like-minded groups around the world. It follows spiritual principles set out in teachings published through the Alice Bailey books and those contained in The Great Invocation.  Victoria Goodwill works subjectively to anchor light, love and the will-to-good into human consciousness to lift humanity and all planetary lives.
Victoria Goodwill as a service activity is meditating along the lines of the 5th Seed Group – Political Observers. If you are interested in this service work, you can register your interest through the website.
Languages: English
Website: victoriagoodwill.org.au


getinvoledÚnase a una red mundial de pioneros, personas que están abriendo nuevas vías en 10 campos fundamentales de actividad, ayudando a preparar la civilización mundial que viene. Participar



iconform¿Las actividades de su organización corresponden a uno de los campos de servicio contenidos en el directorio de los 10 grupos simientes?  Entonces, ¡regístrese gratuitamente!




Este servicio mundial está financiado enteramente con sus donaciones. Cómo contribuir


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Instituto para una Síntesis Planetaria

Chemin de l'Etang 37,
CH-1219 Châtelaine-GE
Tel./Fax +41(0)22-733.8876
E-mail: ipsbox at ipsgeneva.com
Skype: ipsgeneva