Salud y curación
Le Centre Sivananda de Yoga Vedanta est une congrégation reconnue par le gouvernement français. Elle se dédie depuis plus de 23 ans à l'enseignement du yoga intégral.
Languages: Français
Postal address: 123, bd de Sébastopol, 75002 Paris, France
Responsibility for a Healthy World
Contact person: Dr. Matthias Rath
Languages: Deutsch, English, Español, Français, Nederlands
Postal address: Matthias Rath B.V., Postbus 405
AK Almelo, NL-7600 Netherlands
FunYu Holistic Healing Institute was established by Guru Thothmess in 2011, with the purpose of enabling people to heal themselves, improve their lives, serve others through the subtle world of energy, and integrate with Higher Self. Expose the hidden esoteric to glorify life, discover the inner potential, and create a healthy, rich and spiritual life for people.
Contact person: Charles Hen
Languages: Chinese, English
E-mail: hhh at
Social media:
INEH is a group of people dedicated to the practice and study of Esoteric Healing. The work is largely based on the teachings of Djwhal Khul as presented in the book Esoteric Healing by Alice Bailey which describes the seven ray techniques of healing, the psychological and karmic causes of disease, the laws and rules of healing and the process of death and restitution.
Contact person: Anne Guest
Languages: English
Postal address: New Rose Cottage, Bushmoor,
Shopshire, NPA SY7 8DW Craven Arms, United Kingdom
ISSSEEM is an interdisciplinary organization for the study of the basic sciences and medical and therapeutic applications of subtle energies.
Languages: English
Postal address: 11005 Ralston Rd., #100D,
Arvada, Colorado 80004, United States
Enseignement, méditation de groupe en relation avec les enseignements d'Alice Bailey et Helena Roerich.
Contact person: Jean-Bernard Augier
Languages: Français
Telephone: +33 06 79 42 20 83
Email: institut.ethique.vivante at
Master EK Spiritual and Service Mission is an international Service Organisation dedicated to the service to humanity. This is mainly two-fold: 1. To heal the sick through holistic methods following the footsteps of Master EK and other Masters; 2. To transmit the Ageless Wisdom to one and all without any discrimination of race, religion or sex.The method to lead a yogic life was given to the modern man in a simplified manner by Master CVV.
Contact person: Dr. E. Anantakrishna
Languages: English, Telugu
Country: India
Mihira was founded by MRL Rao. It started with a monthly magazine, a health journal and other publications to share educate wisdom and educate. It is a charitable trust with free homeopathy clinics , healing sessions and health classes camps.
Contact person: MP Rao
Languages: English, Telugu
Postal address: 2, 30.1.211/9 Mihira Dabagardens, Visakhapatanam, Andhra Pradesh, India
Telephone: +919849658360
E-mail: mihiramagazine at
Social media: MIHIRA New Era Wisdom on Facebook
The Forum's mission is to contribute to making health for all a reality by advocating for protection and realization of the right to health; by promoting equity and justice in access to health for all persons at all stages of their life; and by promoting and encouraging healthy life choices. The Forum gives special priority to the right to health of the poor and socially excluded.
Country: Switzerland
Wir sind eine Gruppe von Menschen, die sich der Aufgabe widmen, das Wirken dieses grossen Eingeweihten,Alchemisten und Heilers für die heutige Zeit verständlich zu machen und die Anerkennung seines Werkes zu fördern. Dazu veranstalten wir im Paracelsus-Center Seminare und publizieren Schriften über die Lehren und Heilweisen von Paracelsus.
Languages: Deutsch, English, español, français
Postal address: Imm Haus vom Restaurant Krone "bi de Tüfelsbrugg",
8847 Egg, Switzerland
The Chopra Center for Well Being boldly explores new frontiers in the expansion of human consciousness through programs, products, and services for the integration of mind, body, spirit and environment in health care, education, business and personal development.
Contact person: Deepak Chopra
Languages: English
Postal address: 7630 Fay Avenue,
La Jolla, California 92037, United States
WISH stands for World Institute of Self Healing. Started by medical Qigong master Binhui He, WISH is a non-profit organization dedicated to education, research, development and application of human self-healing and mental power, as well as to the promotion of health recovery medicine or mind-body medicine.
Languages: Chinese, English, Japanese
Postal address: 250 Lackland Dr. Suite 10,
Middlesex, New Jersey, 08846, United States
YAMANDA RA Center of Research & Applications: New tools are developed for healing and educating, on synthetic and spiritual bases, within the new world society. Healing service through radiopsychology; ontotherapy; Yoga of Synthesis; AstroSynthesis (point of evolution and service potentials); classical homeopathy through Hahnemann, Kent, Hering and Master EK; ayurveda; aromatherapy
Languages: Français, English, italiano, español