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Known as the Creative Group, the members come from diverse spiritual disciplines representing all walks of life and cultures. All share one common denominator for coming together; a strong conviction that Good is to be found in all people everywhere and that the individual can make a choice to recognize it or not, as the case may be.

The Code of Humanity, Great World Prayer, and Co-Creative Ideals Bookmarks are the Group's outreach to share their ideal of choices for encouraging the Good to manifest in everyone. Almost 19,000,000 copies of these Bookmarks are presently distributed throughout the world. To date, we have received requests from people in over 146 countries. Should you resonate to these Bookmarks, please feel free to request copies for yourself or your organization.

Contact: theworldwidecreativegroup@gmail.com
Languages: English
Website: https://creativegroup.org/


getinvoledÚnase a una red mundial de pioneros, personas que están abriendo nuevas vías en 10 campos fundamentales de actividad, ayudando a preparar la civilización mundial que viene. Participar



iconform¿Las actividades de su organización corresponden a uno de los campos de servicio contenidos en el directorio de los 10 grupos simientes?  Entonces, ¡regístrese gratuitamente!




Este servicio mundial está financiado enteramente con sus donaciones. Cómo contribuir


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pdfbigLa mayoría de nuestras publicaciones (cuadernillos, informes, boletines, etc.) está disponible para descargarse en formato PDF y en varios idiomas.

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Instituto para una Síntesis Planetaria

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CH-1219 Châtelaine-GE
Tel./Fax +41(0)22-733.8876
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