
The SunGates Center with its teachers works remotely and has 57 thousand subscribers who can attend open lessons and discussions. One of the areas of SunGates_Media University is the School of the Seven Rays, which has several hundred mainly Russian-speaking regular students and active co workers. The founder and director of the School of the Seven Rays is Ph.D. Elena Smirnova.

The mission of the School of the Seven Rays is to eliminate common illusions, maya and glamor. The main directions of the School of the Seven Rays: 1. Study of ancient knowledge of timeless wisdom, texts of esoteric psychology in their synthesis (Vedas, theosophy, sacred religious texts, texts of A. Bailey, B. Creme, etc.). 2. Introduction to modern scientific methods of Western official science (Subtle Effect, Subtle Life, Phantom Effect, Kirlian method, aura research, etc.). Students themselves participate in experiments on telepathic, remote communicative interaction with the aim of forming group consciousness, using modern biophysical hardware diagnostics. 3. Training in practices and methods of modern academic and alternative psychology, as well as consulting work
Contact person: Elena Smirnova; esoterictour at gmail.com, http://esoterictour.co.nz/en-esoterictour-.htm
Languages: Русский
E-mail: sungatescenter at gmail.com, 
Website: https://sungateschool.com/
Social media: VK, Instagram, facebook.com/SunGatesRadio, YouTube


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