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Nom Book of Rituals

The scope of the present work is to explain the nature and the symbolism of the ritualistic key to the wisdom. The work deals with the sacramental value of initiations and the changes brought upon the student thereby. One of the main attempts of the author is to prove that the content of the initiation rituals belonging to many religions and orders remains the same throughout and that the common content is expressed through many forms, symbols and allegories throughout the centuries.


Nom de fichier BOOK OF RITUALS-1.pdf
Taille 1 MB
Type de fichier pdf (Type MIME application/pdf)
Propriétaire IPS
Date d'ajout 22/11/2020 10:35:44
Accès 14754
Dernièrement modifié le 23/02/2021 11:25:10
Somme de contrôle MD5 7ecfae0968798057977722c3a44dba82

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